
Happy St. Valentine day!!!

Hello Everyone! I've been working on the new "couples" page, and making dresses for the new boys and girls. So St. Valentine day came somewhat unexpectedly upon me! 

I thought it would be nice to start to introduce the couples today, as well as some of the new arrivals.

Alfonso and Edgardo are wearing some "ready made" outfits, as I haven't figured out their style yet, while Adalgisa and Edvige are wearing new casual outfits, I'm working on more of these!!!

Alfonso and Vittoria

finally I've found the right guy for her, she's so elegant and I felt she needed a polished yet a rugged companion.

Edgardo and Greta

They are the perfect match! They would deserve a sort of Dowton Abbey sort of diorama all for them (this is not going to happen)

Emilio and Olga

I love these two, they are both pirates and in spite of ther big head he loves her madly

Corrado and Adalgisa

another perfect match! I just had to sew the right outfit for her, and she blossomed (she's a wonderful doll)

Eugenio and Edvige

I wasn't sure about them until I photographed them, they are awesome (she too beautiful to be true, and the new NuFace body is great!)

Goffredo and Ofelia

They are absolutely the perfect Thin Man couple....I have to write a story for them!

Giulio and Aurelia

Onofrio and Rebecca

Carlo and Billina

Attilio and Odette

Agostino and Caterina

Billina and Carlo made their mind up, they are going to visit Uzbekistan, Billina is packing while Carlo is checking the camera

Sparklez is curious

 Happy St. Valentine day!!!!!

I look forward for your comments, what do you think of the couples so far? which is your favourite one?

ps. I'm sorry for having very little time to comment on other people's blogs, unfortunately lately I've been barely able to  keep up my reading while commuting to work ... a huge kiss



  1. It's very difficult to choose a favorite couple, I love them all to be honest. The outfits are gorgeous, you are so talented Billa! Uzbekistan sounds great to visit! Happy Valentine's Day dear Billa, to you and Sasha! xxx

    1. Thank you Linda, and a Happy Valentine Day to you too (what's left of it....)
      Uzbekistan is wonderful, you'll see!!!

  2. I agree with Linda. I think you have done quite a wonderful job at matching up each couple. Each has such a distinct character!!! Happy Valentine's Day, Billa.

  3. Your description of Alfonso is spot on. He looks polished yet rugged- a superb combination in my opinion. You should have seen how excited I got when you wrote that Edgardo and Greta needed a Downton Abbey-type diorama. I had to laugh at my disappointment when you said it was not going to happen. You've made some terrific matches. Eugenio and Edvige are my favorite. I thought I was over my crush on Leonardo DiCaprio...guess not!

    1. Hi Jewell, I was desperate to find the right guy for her, when I spotted this Keanu Reeves headsculpt and Bingo!
      I can't possibly build a Downton Abbey dio in a million years! LOL
      I could build and awful one actually.....
      I hope I'll have time to make some photomontages for Eugeno and Edvige (and also for Corrado and Adalgisa) I have an idea, hope I'll find the time!

  4. Hello from Spain: fabulous couples. I like many outfits They are wearing. For me It is very difficult to choose a favorite couple. I love your guys. Verey trendy. Nice photos. Keep in touch

  5. Hello Billa, happy Valentine Day for you too (a little bit late). Your couples are lovely!
