
Welcome home Nasty!!!

Seeing all those beautiful pictures out there of dollies with their little pets, and thanks to Lisa at Pumpkinhillstudios, my girls have their dog too!!!

It's a black scottish terrier, a perfect clay miniature, and he came fully dressed too!
I called him Nasty, because I wanted to call him Asta like the "Thin Man" dog, but I couldn't find a white terrier and I have to tell you, this little dog has got a temper!
Speaking of bad temper who should be the owner but Cecilia? They are a heavenly match (even though I'm not sure Cecila can actually like someone besides herself). Anyway they look beautiful:

Thanks again Lisa!!!


  1. They both are gorgeous, but you are in for it naming a dog Nasty. He's going to get into all sorts of mischief. Too bad you couldn't find a suitable Asta. As soon as you do, you can give him to a couple named Nick and Nora to complete the Thin Man family.

    1. Yes, I know but I like to live dangerously.....I fear finding a suitable Nick should be harder than finding Asta (Nora is a bit easier) .... a Thin Man family should be a great thing to have! :-D

  2. This is the cutest dog, I love his little jacket and his collar too! They look fabulous together :-).

    1. thanks Nymphaea, they are a sort of an odd couple! Lisa does wonderful miniatures!

  3. When I first saw the thumbnail of the dog, I thought it was real! I thought, "How funny Billa has departed from her usual subject of dolls." Then when I actually looked at the post, I was stunned! How very realistic! It's so perfectly in scale with the doll....who, by the way, is one of my favorites. All of the little accessories are perfect as well!!!

    1. Lisa did a great job on this minature, as soon as I saw Nasty for sale I bought it immediately, and he's such a nice addition to my collection!
